A weakness of the goddess Virgo stems from her conscientious nature in whatever goddess she is associated with. Several goddesses have been given the honor of Goddess of Virgo.
The most ancient goddess associated with Virgo is Astraea or Justice. She is the daughter of Zeus and Themis. Astraea was sent to earth to settle justice between mankind and walk among them. Man became greedy and immoral. Astraea disillusioned with man’s mean nature ascended to the heavens to become the constellation Virgo. Her weaknesses or inability to overcome man’s basic nature forced her to flee from earth and her duties to justice.
The goddess Virgo carries a wheat sheaf in her hand. She has been associated with the Goddess of Harvest Demeter or Ceres. Her ability to control the seasons led to bountiful harvests annually until her daughter, Persephone, was taken to Hades. Ceres vowed to withhold any harvest until her daughter was returned. Zeus became angry and sent Ceres to Hades to retrieve Persephone. Ceres returned but for only six months out of the year. Her maternal weakness required her to return to Hades six months out of the year and as a result, no harvest or bounty is available during those six months.
The goddess of Virgo has been linked to Erigone. She was the daughter of Icarius. He gave the knowledge of wine to humans. Erigone discovered her father murdered by peasants that mistakenly thought Icarius poisoned them with wine. She committed suicide by hanging. The gods took pity on the family and restored their immortality in the constellations. Erigone became the constellation Virgo.
The goddess Virgo has been mentioned as Minerva the virgin roman goddess of poetry, wisdom and music. Many gods wooed this goddess and the ancient Parthenon was built in her honor. The Athenians gained favor from Minerva and modeled their civilization after her.
Tyche’s the goddess of fate has been associated with the Goddess of Virgo. She was unpredictable in nature and would falter either for the good or bad in mankind’s affairs. Her weakness was nemesis that kept a tight reign on Tyche’s generosity. The pair were often seen together, constantly battling for the upper hand.
Some psychics refer to themselves as Goddess of Virgo. This is not a reference to the zodiac sign that relates to the sixth sign of the zodiac, but instead a reference to the mythical goddess that predate them. Goddess of Virgo’s weakness in the psychic realm is that they will over use their power and become emotionally and spiritually fatigued by trying to cure the world. With the traits of the goddess Virgo they will refuse to turn anyone in need away and in doing so, they deplete their own spirit. In order for a Goddess of Virgo to avoid weakness, they should unplug from their devotion to help mankind and continue to focus on replenishing their spiritual needs.
Whether a mythological goddess of Virgo or a contemporary psychic goddess of Virgo, they are both limited by the weaknesses of their nature.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Virgo Profile
Virgos are creative, delicate, and intelligent. You love to have everything in order, but are also patient. You are very observant, which can lead you to be judgmental. Some people may think that you are a cold person, because you rarely show your emotions. You also have a lot of charm and dignity, although you may not have many friends, due to your troubles with showing your feelings. Virgos are more followers than leaders. You are always logical.
Your attraction for the opposite sex leads you into unpleasant situations at times. Opposite sex gets attracted to you for your good manners, polite language, not realizing it is a ruse. Your attraction for the opposite sex will lead you from one affair to another. This is because you like to use your creativity and imagination in the relationship. However, you better not wear your heart on your sleeve.
* Good career choices for you are:
Public Speaker.
* Virgoans are prone problems with the abdomen and nervous system.
* Your ruling planet: Mercury.
* The Virgin is associated with Virgo.
* Your lucky colors: green and dark brown.
* Your lucky gemstone: sardonyx.
* Your lucky numbers : 2, 5, 7.
Your attraction for the opposite sex leads you into unpleasant situations at times. Opposite sex gets attracted to you for your good manners, polite language, not realizing it is a ruse. Your attraction for the opposite sex will lead you from one affair to another. This is because you like to use your creativity and imagination in the relationship. However, you better not wear your heart on your sleeve.
* Good career choices for you are:
Public Speaker.
* Virgoans are prone problems with the abdomen and nervous system.
* Your ruling planet: Mercury.
* The Virgin is associated with Virgo.
* Your lucky colors: green and dark brown.
* Your lucky gemstone: sardonyx.
* Your lucky numbers : 2, 5, 7.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Virgo Man
When you date a Virgo man you will discover that he projects a cool and calming manner on the outside whereas inside he can conceal a quite intensity and deep sensuality. Rarely idle, they are industrious and productive above all else.
They are very selective when choosing a lover. In sexual relationship they are extremely caring but somewhat controlling too, and have the capacity to make their partner feel the most wanted person on the earth.
The Virgo man can be super-critical, obsessive with perfection, secretive, and are particularly attracted to cleanliness – traits that may sometimes be a dilemma in the relationship with their partner.
As a lover, the Virgo man is highly discriminative, honourable, discreet and practical.
They love genuine romance, praise, straightforward sex and a reliable partner who has intelligence as well as attractive physical attributes.
They cannot tolerate gushy sentiment, crudeness or vulgarity and like their sex to be as tidy as possible.
The stomach area is the Virgo erogenous zone, so stroking, kissing and caressing this area is sure to arouse their passion for action.
Best Bed Mates for the Virgo: Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio.
Some suitable carreer for the Virgo Man:
Accountant, Analyst, Airline Attendant, Animal Breeder/Health, Butler, Chemical Related, Chiropractor, Civil servant, Computer work, Clerical, Critic, Dentist, Dressmaker, Doctor, Publishing Editor, Entrepreneur, Engineer, Investigations, Medical, Manager, Nurse, Nutritional, Programmer, Pharmacist, Secretary, Social Worker, Surveyor, Statistician, Teacher, Technician, Veterinarian.
They are very selective when choosing a lover. In sexual relationship they are extremely caring but somewhat controlling too, and have the capacity to make their partner feel the most wanted person on the earth.
The Virgo man can be super-critical, obsessive with perfection, secretive, and are particularly attracted to cleanliness – traits that may sometimes be a dilemma in the relationship with their partner.
As a lover, the Virgo man is highly discriminative, honourable, discreet and practical.
They love genuine romance, praise, straightforward sex and a reliable partner who has intelligence as well as attractive physical attributes.
They cannot tolerate gushy sentiment, crudeness or vulgarity and like their sex to be as tidy as possible.
The stomach area is the Virgo erogenous zone, so stroking, kissing and caressing this area is sure to arouse their passion for action.
Best Bed Mates for the Virgo: Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio.
Some suitable carreer for the Virgo Man:
Accountant, Analyst, Airline Attendant, Animal Breeder/Health, Butler, Chemical Related, Chiropractor, Civil servant, Computer work, Clerical, Critic, Dentist, Dressmaker, Doctor, Publishing Editor, Entrepreneur, Engineer, Investigations, Medical, Manager, Nurse, Nutritional, Programmer, Pharmacist, Secretary, Social Worker, Surveyor, Statistician, Teacher, Technician, Veterinarian.
Virgo July 2009 Horoscope
Virgo people are social beings. July 2009 brings in a lot of social events and occasions of meeting people and building relationships with them. Virgo’s, according to July 2009 horoscope, may feel a bit neglected in the later half of the month.They might feel a change in their own behavior, which may leave them tensed. However things will soon clear up. Virgo July 2009 says that you will be able to win the confidence of others with your sweet nature. Virgo July Horoscope for 2009 advises you to maintain calm and patience throughout the month.
Your ruler,Mercurius,is in arc shooter and in a T,square to Uranus in Fish and Saturn in Virgin! Your parenthood pushes be strong there now or you now parenthood pets or men. Uranus kwadratuur of your liniaal gives at that there can become crisis and irritating circumstances you off. The beautiful quality of this square as you also can be defied unique solutions for rest tumultueuze seas. On Full Moon,is the sensibly the observer. Take on nothing more! Saturn? S position in your sign will increase be in a position to your to distinguish.
Your ruler,Mercurius,is in arc shooter and in a T,square to Uranus in Fish and Saturn in Virgin! Your parenthood pushes be strong there now or you now parenthood pets or men. Uranus kwadratuur of your liniaal gives at that there can become crisis and irritating circumstances you off. The beautiful quality of this square as you also can be defied unique solutions for rest tumultueuze seas. On Full Moon,is the sensibly the observer. Take on nothing more! Saturn? S position in your sign will increase be in a position to your to distinguish.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Virgo Career and Finances
Virgo natives adore in analyzing people, ideas and situations. Thus, they are almost certain to come up with some answers. These mentally smart individuals are thinkers and helpers who like to facilitate solutions as a service to others. Even so, these are souls who crave independence and a space of their own, so they cannot be expected to lay all their cards out on the table. In the eyes of those governed by Virgo, some things are best kept private. Governed by the Element of Earth, these natives are forever realistic and will set practical goals for themselves (and any members of their teams) which are capable of being achieved. Task-oriented and highly organized, Virgo individuals make for extremely loyal colleagues and may often prove to be the "conscience" of their group. They will most certainly get things accomplished but may well be reluctant to take the credit. The inherent perfectionism here can lead to nervousness and ill-health, so a good balance needs to be achieved. Possessed of a strong work ethic, these natives excel in creating a winning team. Their discerning eye and discriminating style is difficult to beat. It is easy for those governed by this Sign to be thinkers, problem-solvers, organizers and supporters of any team...they also take great pleasure in being such. However, it is important that such subjects take care of themselves as well and try to remember that all work and no play would probably make anybody rather a rather dull person. If those ruled by Virgo can learn to criticize less and emphasize the positive more, then they will accomplish a great deal. Any office inhabited by a Virgo native is likely to be well-organized with a slew of computers and other electronic gadgetry for maximum efficiency. There could even be a sign on the door reading, "No slobs allowed." Preference in terms of a vehicle tends toward the elegantly reliable...a midnight blue Mercedes which purrs like a kitten, for example, or a Volvo, which is both practical and reliable while being so tastefully aesthetic. Business meetings are likely to consist of a light salad eaten in a squeaky-clean restaurant. Born to study, the Virgo individual strives to develop intelligence, organize, solve problems, put things in order and, most of all, to serve. One of the missions of these natives to ensure that those around them discover and develop their own personal potential. The ability here to analyze and perceive the details will teach others to be more penetrating and perfective. There is also a strong tendency to heal, alleviate and solve material problems as well as those involving health.
Virgo natives are well-adapted for either mercantile or professional life, displaying both tact and cleverness in their commercial undertakings as well as in professional pursuits. As a general rule, they have no problems in accumulating wealth and are unlikely to allow many opportunities to slip through their fingers. Some of the world's most famous writers may be found under this Sign...Leo Tolstoy, Mary Shelley, D.H. Lawrence, Stephen King and H.G. Wells, for example. The reason for such success perhaps being that these natives possess a tremendous insight into human nature and the fact that such writings are filled with wisdom and knowledge of nature's laws. The ability to analyze, combined with the inherent love of detail, form and color, also make Virgo subjects quite able as critics of art, music and drama. Scientific work and research...even if seemingly humble...is also well-suited to those governed by Virgo and can take the form of statistics, craftsmanship or office work connected with an industrial application of one of the sciences.
As employees, Virgo individuals will prove themselves to be gems, treasured by their employers for a very long time. Indeed, any employer of such a native will be extremely reluctant to allow the Virgo subject to leave. Those governed by this Sign are uncomfortable with moving up the ladder too quickly and would prefer a much more gradual apprach. They value their work but are also conscious of appreciation and recognition. However, there will be no hesitation here in moving on if policies are felt to be unreasonable. Virgo natives project the image of being selfless, but they know where to draw the line. There can be little doubt that subjects of this Sign are certified workaholics. They possess an innate fear of being feeble and dependent...and this is what will drive them ahead. Blessed with a perfect eye for detail, sometimes such perfection can become too perfect to be comfortable. These are souls who value perfection more than titles but will not hesitate to turn on the charm when it is truly needed. Virgo employees tend to be heavily relied upon for their powerful analytical skills in sorting out a problem. Their powers of discrimination are excellent and they seem to be able to instinctively sense if a correct solution is in sight. Those governed by this Sign have a strong sense of ethics and will be totally at ease working without supervision. They detest short cust and will spend hours "splitting hairs" over a logical solution. The Virgo native might, at times, be slow but he or she will always be sure. As a boss, the Virgo individual lacks the drive to be a high-powered decision-making executive type. Very few individuals ruled by this Sign are comfortable in positions of authority and truly prefer to be "behind the scenes," running the company like a well-oiled machine. In addition, they excel at carrying out the original ideas of others. Not ones to waste personal emotions, these subjects are uncomfortable with being a sounding post for the troubles of those around them and are also ill at ease with praise. They find it almost impossible to fire orders at subordinates and shudder at the thought of wearing many "hats" at the same time. Thus, most Virgo individuals make for very reluctant bosses. Many times, those who fall within the jurisdiction of Virgo are excellent at piecing together parts of a problem but then miss the whole issue completely, which can result in bad decisions. Despite the inherent trait toward criticism and the perpetual facade of perfection, Virgo natives generally make for kindhearted employers. As work colleagues, Virgo natives are popular for their ability to engage in intelligent conversation. They never run out of topics to discuss and others find this to be a great intellectual stimulant. Indeed, others will seek out Virgo natives provided such natives do not indulge in a round of nit-picking every time. In short, the critical attitude will need to take a backseat from time to time.
Virgo natives are well-adapted for either mercantile or professional life, displaying both tact and cleverness in their commercial undertakings as well as in professional pursuits. As a general rule, they have no problems in accumulating wealth and are unlikely to allow many opportunities to slip through their fingers. Some of the world's most famous writers may be found under this Sign...Leo Tolstoy, Mary Shelley, D.H. Lawrence, Stephen King and H.G. Wells, for example. The reason for such success perhaps being that these natives possess a tremendous insight into human nature and the fact that such writings are filled with wisdom and knowledge of nature's laws. The ability to analyze, combined with the inherent love of detail, form and color, also make Virgo subjects quite able as critics of art, music and drama. Scientific work and research...even if seemingly humble...is also well-suited to those governed by Virgo and can take the form of statistics, craftsmanship or office work connected with an industrial application of one of the sciences.
As employees, Virgo individuals will prove themselves to be gems, treasured by their employers for a very long time. Indeed, any employer of such a native will be extremely reluctant to allow the Virgo subject to leave. Those governed by this Sign are uncomfortable with moving up the ladder too quickly and would prefer a much more gradual apprach. They value their work but are also conscious of appreciation and recognition. However, there will be no hesitation here in moving on if policies are felt to be unreasonable. Virgo natives project the image of being selfless, but they know where to draw the line. There can be little doubt that subjects of this Sign are certified workaholics. They possess an innate fear of being feeble and dependent...and this is what will drive them ahead. Blessed with a perfect eye for detail, sometimes such perfection can become too perfect to be comfortable. These are souls who value perfection more than titles but will not hesitate to turn on the charm when it is truly needed. Virgo employees tend to be heavily relied upon for their powerful analytical skills in sorting out a problem. Their powers of discrimination are excellent and they seem to be able to instinctively sense if a correct solution is in sight. Those governed by this Sign have a strong sense of ethics and will be totally at ease working without supervision. They detest short cust and will spend hours "splitting hairs" over a logical solution. The Virgo native might, at times, be slow but he or she will always be sure. As a boss, the Virgo individual lacks the drive to be a high-powered decision-making executive type. Very few individuals ruled by this Sign are comfortable in positions of authority and truly prefer to be "behind the scenes," running the company like a well-oiled machine. In addition, they excel at carrying out the original ideas of others. Not ones to waste personal emotions, these subjects are uncomfortable with being a sounding post for the troubles of those around them and are also ill at ease with praise. They find it almost impossible to fire orders at subordinates and shudder at the thought of wearing many "hats" at the same time. Thus, most Virgo individuals make for very reluctant bosses. Many times, those who fall within the jurisdiction of Virgo are excellent at piecing together parts of a problem but then miss the whole issue completely, which can result in bad decisions. Despite the inherent trait toward criticism and the perpetual facade of perfection, Virgo natives generally make for kindhearted employers. As work colleagues, Virgo natives are popular for their ability to engage in intelligent conversation. They never run out of topics to discuss and others find this to be a great intellectual stimulant. Indeed, others will seek out Virgo natives provided such natives do not indulge in a round of nit-picking every time. In short, the critical attitude will need to take a backseat from time to time.
All About Virgo
Lucky Day:Wednesday
Lucky Number:5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50
Lucky Color: Orange, White, Grey, Yellow, Mushroom
Lucky Stone(s):Topaz
Lucky Talisman: The Key, The Owl, The Tau, The bamboo and serpent
Positive Qualities: Discriminating, Methodical, Analytical, Expressive, Quiet.
Negative Qualities: Critical, Quarrelsome, Fastidious, Narrow Outlook.
Traits:Discriminating, Methodical, Analytical, Expressive, Quiet, Critical, Quarrelsome, Fastidious, Narrow Outlook.
Lucky Number:5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50
Lucky Color: Orange, White, Grey, Yellow, Mushroom
Lucky Stone(s):Topaz
Lucky Talisman: The Key, The Owl, The Tau, The bamboo and serpent
Positive Qualities: Discriminating, Methodical, Analytical, Expressive, Quiet.
Negative Qualities: Critical, Quarrelsome, Fastidious, Narrow Outlook.
Traits:Discriminating, Methodical, Analytical, Expressive, Quiet, Critical, Quarrelsome, Fastidious, Narrow Outlook.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Virgo Woman
In the main, most Virgo women are very hardworking and diligent girls.
Their work and vocation are extremely important to them and by nature they are always searching for new avenues in order to improve their position in life
The sign of Virgo provides a person with many skills with which to successfully meet life’s challenges.
The Virgo girl has an extremely ever active mind that, at times can prevent her from relaxing or indeed, being able to fall asleep.
In keeping with her Gemini counterparts, the sign of Taurus is also ruled by Mercury, referred to as the mental planet.
The Taurus girl is gifted with an extremely analytical mind and this can give her a somewhat critical outlook and attitude about life.
This quality can present some problems at time as she can be far too “Fault Finding” both with herself and with others.
The Virgo woman can just as easily discover a hole in your judgment or logic as she can spot one in your sock!
The wise Virgo woman however, is far more aware of abundance rather than lack of it, of opportunity rather than restriction, and how to generate improvement rather than create dissension.
The sign Virgo rules the digestive system and, the Virgo girl can be extremely choosy about what and how she eats
Her Diet, Food, and health are very important to the Virgo woman and, since the Virgo’s stomach and intestines are particularly sensitive, she should never eat meals at a time when she might be emotionally upset.
While the wise and mature Virgo woman is highly discerning about just everything in life, the immature Virgin can rank among the most wasteful and self-indulgent of women.
The Virgo woman relates very well with a partner who has a strong personal plan and, who intends to get ahead and succeed in life.
She cannot abide and will not tolerate lazy and shiftless people, and irrespective of how sexually attracted she may be to someone; she will not remain in any relationship for too long with any person who has little economic or social potential for success.
The Virgo woman can be very fastidious as to with whom she relates and would prefer to go out with friends or, even stay home to work on one of her numerous projects, than to go out with person that she considers unworthy.
One thing you need to know about a Virgo woman - she has guts and lots of them! It doesn't mean that she is not as shy and as reserved as she seems to be. It's just that she can do anything and everything for the people she loves. By love, she mean real love, no other type of love exists for her. A Virgo female is a complete woman! She has all the charms and tricks that any other female has, but she is not weak. Infact, she has quite a determination and can do anything if she sets her mind to it
t's better to get used to their critical nature. A Virgo girl believes that she is extremely efficient and organized and what is more annoying is, that she is right. She is a stickler for time and it's better not to be late when you are meeting her. She will not break the new, expensive vase when she is upset, but she can be very demanding and fussy. If the fault is yours, admit that you are wrong and say it while handing her the flowers. Don't even try to argue, or she will lose her temper again.
It is better to leave her alone for sometime and she will cool again. On the other hand, a Virgo woman will find it very hard to accept that she is wrong. The fact is, most of the time she's not. When you are courting her as well as after you get married, it is advisable to mind your manners. She cannot tolerate someone using abusive language, coming late, dressing sloppily, not minding table manners, etc. It's better to brush up your vocabulary too. She will not cling to you, nor will she become totally aloof.
She is also very good with finances and extravagance is not one of her personality traits. A Virgo female cannot stand public displays of affection and it is better to be subtle in this area. Her taste is very good and her intellect quite developed. If you are trying to woo her, take her to places like theatre, art gallery, etc. Just like a typical Virgo, she is prone to worrying about things too much and she will do your part of the job too. She is very much attached to the ground and prefers to live in the real world.
Leo Woman | Scorpio Woman | Pisces Woman | Virgo Woman
Their work and vocation are extremely important to them and by nature they are always searching for new avenues in order to improve their position in life
The sign of Virgo provides a person with many skills with which to successfully meet life’s challenges.
The Virgo girl has an extremely ever active mind that, at times can prevent her from relaxing or indeed, being able to fall asleep.
In keeping with her Gemini counterparts, the sign of Taurus is also ruled by Mercury, referred to as the mental planet.
The Taurus girl is gifted with an extremely analytical mind and this can give her a somewhat critical outlook and attitude about life.
This quality can present some problems at time as she can be far too “Fault Finding” both with herself and with others.
The Virgo woman can just as easily discover a hole in your judgment or logic as she can spot one in your sock!
The wise Virgo woman however, is far more aware of abundance rather than lack of it, of opportunity rather than restriction, and how to generate improvement rather than create dissension.
The sign Virgo rules the digestive system and, the Virgo girl can be extremely choosy about what and how she eats
Her Diet, Food, and health are very important to the Virgo woman and, since the Virgo’s stomach and intestines are particularly sensitive, she should never eat meals at a time when she might be emotionally upset.
While the wise and mature Virgo woman is highly discerning about just everything in life, the immature Virgin can rank among the most wasteful and self-indulgent of women.
The Virgo woman relates very well with a partner who has a strong personal plan and, who intends to get ahead and succeed in life.
She cannot abide and will not tolerate lazy and shiftless people, and irrespective of how sexually attracted she may be to someone; she will not remain in any relationship for too long with any person who has little economic or social potential for success.
The Virgo woman can be very fastidious as to with whom she relates and would prefer to go out with friends or, even stay home to work on one of her numerous projects, than to go out with person that she considers unworthy.
One thing you need to know about a Virgo woman - she has guts and lots of them! It doesn't mean that she is not as shy and as reserved as she seems to be. It's just that she can do anything and everything for the people she loves. By love, she mean real love, no other type of love exists for her. A Virgo female is a complete woman! She has all the charms and tricks that any other female has, but she is not weak. Infact, she has quite a determination and can do anything if she sets her mind to it
t's better to get used to their critical nature. A Virgo girl believes that she is extremely efficient and organized and what is more annoying is, that she is right. She is a stickler for time and it's better not to be late when you are meeting her. She will not break the new, expensive vase when she is upset, but she can be very demanding and fussy. If the fault is yours, admit that you are wrong and say it while handing her the flowers. Don't even try to argue, or she will lose her temper again.
It is better to leave her alone for sometime and she will cool again. On the other hand, a Virgo woman will find it very hard to accept that she is wrong. The fact is, most of the time she's not. When you are courting her as well as after you get married, it is advisable to mind your manners. She cannot tolerate someone using abusive language, coming late, dressing sloppily, not minding table manners, etc. It's better to brush up your vocabulary too. She will not cling to you, nor will she become totally aloof.
She is also very good with finances and extravagance is not one of her personality traits. A Virgo female cannot stand public displays of affection and it is better to be subtle in this area. Her taste is very good and her intellect quite developed. If you are trying to woo her, take her to places like theatre, art gallery, etc. Just like a typical Virgo, she is prone to worrying about things too much and she will do your part of the job too. She is very much attached to the ground and prefers to live in the real world.
Leo Woman | Scorpio Woman | Pisces Woman | Virgo Woman
Virgo! About Your Sign..
Virgo is the only zodiacal sign represented by a female. It is sometimes thought of as a potentially creative girl, delicately lovely; sometimes as a somewhat older woman, intelligent but rather pedantic and spinsterish. The latter impression is sometimes confirmed by the Virgoan preciseness, refinement, fastidious love of cleanliness, hygiene and good order, conventionality and aristocratic attitude of reserve. They are usually observant, shrewd, critically inclined, judicious, patient, practical supporters of the status quo, and tend toward conservatism in all departments of life. On the surface they are emotionally cold, and sometimes this goes deeper, for their habit of suppressing their natural kindness may in the end cause it to atrophy, with the result that they shrink from committing themselves to friendship, make few relationships, and those they do make they are careful to keep superficial.
Virgo's are conscientious they are meticulous and organized, they pride themselves on their efficiency and their dedication, the are usually very dependable people. Virgo's on the whole work hard at stability. they have an overwhelming desire to analyzes and to organize. Virgo types are attracted to the kind of knowledge that can be applied usefully.. Virgo's pursue very high standards and that is born out of a realism and a very tight grip on their environment rather than of any high ideals which they may or may not have. In their urge to label to organize to synthesize and precisely understand all the things of life the Virgo can at times become a little obsessive. Virgo's tend to become involved in occupations where they are overworked and underpaid, it is after all the sign of duty and they have a deep seated need to be of service to their fellow man. Humbleness and the ability to work behind the scenes without complaining or pushing them self's forwards often cause Virgos to miss out on opportunities that they deserve. One problem with a Virgo is when and if their analytical skills do start to work over time then they may start to find fault with everything and everybody around them, they can if not careful get a name for being over critical and too exacting. The typical Virgo is modest straight forward down to earth unpretentious and very much in-touch with the common people. Virgo's are loyal they make excellent employees and friends.
But the outward lack of feeling may, in some individuals born under this sign, conceal too much emotion, to which they are afraid of giving way because they do not trust others, nor do they have confidence in themselves and their judgments. This is because they are conscious of certain shortcomings in themselves of worldliness, of practicality, of sophistication and of outgoingness. So they bring the art of self concealment to a high pitch, hiding their apprehensiveness about themselves and their often considerable sympathy with other people under a mantle of matter-of-factness and undemonstrative, quiet reserve. They are still waters that run deep. Yet in their unassuming, outwardly cheerful and agreeable fashion, they can be sensible, discreet, well spoken, wise and witty, with a good understanding of other people's problems which they can tackle with a practicality not always evident in their own personal relationships.
Both sexes have considerable charm and dignity, which make some male Virgoans appear effeminate when they are not. In marriage they can be genuinely affectionate, making good spouses and parents, but their love making is a perfection of technique rather than the expression of desire, and they must be careful not to mate with a partner whose sex drive requires a passion they cannot match.
Their minds are such that they need the stimulus of practical problems to be solved rather than the mere routine or working to set specifications that need no thought. They are careful with money and their interest in statistics makes them excellent bookkeepers and accountants. They also make good editors, physicists and analytical chemists. They may also find success as welfare workers, ministering to those less fortunate than themselves. They can be doctors, nurses, psychologists, teachers, confidential secretaries, technologists, inspectors, musicians, critics, public speakers and writers especially of reference works such as dictionaries and encyclopedias. Both sexes have a deep interest in history, a feature recognized by astrological authorities for at least two hundred years. If they go in for a business career their shrewdness and analytical ingenuity could tempt them into dishonesty, though they usually have enough moral sense to resist temptation. Female Virgoans may find a career in fashion, for they have a flair for dress, in which they can be trend setters. In any profession they choose the natives of this sign readily assimilate new ideas, but always with caution, conserving what they consider worth keeping from the past. They love country life but are unlikely to make good farmers, unless they can contrive to carry out their work without outraging their sense of hygiene and cleanliness.
Their faults, as is usual with all zodiacal types, are the extremes of their virtues. Fastidious reticence and modesty become old-maidishness and persnicketiness; balanced criticism becomes carping and nagging; and concern for detail becomes overspecialization. Virgoans are liable to indecision in wider issues and this can become chronic, turning molehills of minor difficulties into Himalayas of crisis. Their prudence can become guile and their carefulness, turned in on themselves, can produce worriers and hypochondriacs.
Virgo Key Planet: Mercury
Virgo is associated with the planet which symbolizes not only our thoughts but also the way in which we express them. It is Mercury, the planet in charge of all language. It moves around the Sun faster than any other planet. Mercury is also about our intellectual discrimination. This key planet of Virgo is about judgment regarding every bit of information that enters our mind.
Virgo Sixth House: Work
The sixth house is related to the performance and efficiency in the tasks related to work and not necessarily career. It's about the job which is bread and butter for you, Virgos. This sector is also where we look to seek knowledge about health and healing. It is not only about work routine but also about the daily habits of hygiene.
Virgo Element: Earth
Earth signs are practical and base their life on reality, not on fantasy. Sensation is given high value than thoughts or feelings. Earth signs live with their feet on the ground. They become advisors for others because of their basic sensibility. For Earth signs, what is seen is to be believed. The Earth is about practical analysis-- using mental tools to discern the best use of what is around us.
Virgo Strength:
Your forte is your dexterity to focus your attention.
Virgo Weakness:
You are a perfectionist and your zeal for perfection blocks your way of enjoyment.
Virgo's are conscientious they are meticulous and organized, they pride themselves on their efficiency and their dedication, the are usually very dependable people. Virgo's on the whole work hard at stability. they have an overwhelming desire to analyzes and to organize. Virgo types are attracted to the kind of knowledge that can be applied usefully.. Virgo's pursue very high standards and that is born out of a realism and a very tight grip on their environment rather than of any high ideals which they may or may not have. In their urge to label to organize to synthesize and precisely understand all the things of life the Virgo can at times become a little obsessive. Virgo's tend to become involved in occupations where they are overworked and underpaid, it is after all the sign of duty and they have a deep seated need to be of service to their fellow man. Humbleness and the ability to work behind the scenes without complaining or pushing them self's forwards often cause Virgos to miss out on opportunities that they deserve. One problem with a Virgo is when and if their analytical skills do start to work over time then they may start to find fault with everything and everybody around them, they can if not careful get a name for being over critical and too exacting. The typical Virgo is modest straight forward down to earth unpretentious and very much in-touch with the common people. Virgo's are loyal they make excellent employees and friends.
But the outward lack of feeling may, in some individuals born under this sign, conceal too much emotion, to which they are afraid of giving way because they do not trust others, nor do they have confidence in themselves and their judgments. This is because they are conscious of certain shortcomings in themselves of worldliness, of practicality, of sophistication and of outgoingness. So they bring the art of self concealment to a high pitch, hiding their apprehensiveness about themselves and their often considerable sympathy with other people under a mantle of matter-of-factness and undemonstrative, quiet reserve. They are still waters that run deep. Yet in their unassuming, outwardly cheerful and agreeable fashion, they can be sensible, discreet, well spoken, wise and witty, with a good understanding of other people's problems which they can tackle with a practicality not always evident in their own personal relationships.
Both sexes have considerable charm and dignity, which make some male Virgoans appear effeminate when they are not. In marriage they can be genuinely affectionate, making good spouses and parents, but their love making is a perfection of technique rather than the expression of desire, and they must be careful not to mate with a partner whose sex drive requires a passion they cannot match.
Their minds are such that they need the stimulus of practical problems to be solved rather than the mere routine or working to set specifications that need no thought. They are careful with money and their interest in statistics makes them excellent bookkeepers and accountants. They also make good editors, physicists and analytical chemists. They may also find success as welfare workers, ministering to those less fortunate than themselves. They can be doctors, nurses, psychologists, teachers, confidential secretaries, technologists, inspectors, musicians, critics, public speakers and writers especially of reference works such as dictionaries and encyclopedias. Both sexes have a deep interest in history, a feature recognized by astrological authorities for at least two hundred years. If they go in for a business career their shrewdness and analytical ingenuity could tempt them into dishonesty, though they usually have enough moral sense to resist temptation. Female Virgoans may find a career in fashion, for they have a flair for dress, in which they can be trend setters. In any profession they choose the natives of this sign readily assimilate new ideas, but always with caution, conserving what they consider worth keeping from the past. They love country life but are unlikely to make good farmers, unless they can contrive to carry out their work without outraging their sense of hygiene and cleanliness.
Their faults, as is usual with all zodiacal types, are the extremes of their virtues. Fastidious reticence and modesty become old-maidishness and persnicketiness; balanced criticism becomes carping and nagging; and concern for detail becomes overspecialization. Virgoans are liable to indecision in wider issues and this can become chronic, turning molehills of minor difficulties into Himalayas of crisis. Their prudence can become guile and their carefulness, turned in on themselves, can produce worriers and hypochondriacs.
Virgo Key Planet: Mercury
Virgo is associated with the planet which symbolizes not only our thoughts but also the way in which we express them. It is Mercury, the planet in charge of all language. It moves around the Sun faster than any other planet. Mercury is also about our intellectual discrimination. This key planet of Virgo is about judgment regarding every bit of information that enters our mind.
Virgo Sixth House: Work
The sixth house is related to the performance and efficiency in the tasks related to work and not necessarily career. It's about the job which is bread and butter for you, Virgos. This sector is also where we look to seek knowledge about health and healing. It is not only about work routine but also about the daily habits of hygiene.
Virgo Element: Earth
Earth signs are practical and base their life on reality, not on fantasy. Sensation is given high value than thoughts or feelings. Earth signs live with their feet on the ground. They become advisors for others because of their basic sensibility. For Earth signs, what is seen is to be believed. The Earth is about practical analysis-- using mental tools to discern the best use of what is around us.
Virgo Strength:
Your forte is your dexterity to focus your attention.
Virgo Weakness:
You are a perfectionist and your zeal for perfection blocks your way of enjoyment.
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